The paradox of education is precisely this – that as one begins to become conscious one begins to examine the society in which he is being educated.“James A. Baldwin”
Educational leadership has a critical role in the transformation of society, and for change to happen, effective leaders are indispensible. After all the belief that the quality of leadership makes a significant difference to school and student outcomes cannot be over looked.
The school is dedicated to excellence and innovations and aims to develop an all round personality of its students in all its intellectual, emotional and spiritual manifestations. The school has adopted an integrated curriculum that encompasses mental and cognitive growth along with a futuristic vision, based on a global outlook.
Education needs a metamorphosis. If we don’t change the direction of education, we are likely to end up nowhere. If we want to shape a new education then technology can prove to be the biggest companion. All contemporary teachers need to know how to leverage technology for better learning outcomes. Teacher need to be able to differentiate between ‘teaching about technology’ and ‘teaching with technology’.
By infusing technology into classroom environment teachers can engage students in new ways and enhance the learning process. From ‘gurukul’ to ‘e-learning’ the world of education has gone a sea change.
Technology can enhance student comprehension, if is used in a right manner. I believe if technology is used to engage the child in ‘discovering and creating’ then it is useful and if it is used to ‘show and tell’ then its benefits are limited.
Now-a-days Technology play very vital role in advancement of education it is not only helpful in teaching and learning of the children but is equally helpful in connecting all the stakeholders for the wellbeing and growth of their ward in the school. Parents are well informed about the progress of their wards. It not only saves the time and energy of the parents and the School administration but it also helps to maintain healthy relations and rapport between the two. The effective use of the technology will not only reduce the probability of the ‘blame game’ between the school and the parents but will make both of them more accountable towards the development of the child.
School has been successfully meeting its aim of preparing students academically, physically and mentally for entry into this competitive world and bringing public tomorrow education within the reach of common man.
The school has been serving the nation by successfully shaping the youth of the country and instilling in them values of discipline, patriotism and nation building.
I wish to remind that “Success is never ending” and extend my heartfelt wishes to all associated with us.
With Best Wishes;