Registration and Admission
The school register the boys and girls for admission both as day scholars & hostellers. Excellent residential Facility is available for boys & girls separately from class II onwards.
Names for admission are registered trough out the year. The registration of the students is no grantee for his admission. He will have to appear in admission test conducted by school in last week of December-January every year at selected centres. Results of successful students will be communicated by post individually and displayed on school notice board
Registration Fee
Each application should accompany a demand draft of Rs. 300/- drawn on any nationalised bank in favour of ‘THE MASTERS SCHOOL’ payable at Nainital.
Requests for application & Prospectus:
The application and prospectus can be obtained at school counter by cash payment Rs. 150/- or by Post 160/- All requests for application should accompany a demand draft drawn on any nationalised bank drawn in favour ot ‘THE MASTERS SCHOOL’ payable at Haldwani, Nainital. For further details Contact
The Principal
The Masters School
AT Paniyali, P.O. Katgharia, Haldwani
Ph.05946-261185, 9012676632 Fax: 262546, Principal : 264436 Emergency Number 8279495203
Mode of admission test:
For admission in class I to VII written admission test
will be held in following subjects-
(i) English (iii) Mathematics
(ii) Hindi (iv) General Knowledge
At the time of interview mental ability test will be conducted.
For Nursery & KG classes there will be no written test. Admission will be done after the interview only with parents & child.
There will be medical check up of all students at the time of interview. They should be physically and mentally fit and should not be suffering form infections disease.
Age for admission
Nursery & KG – 3-5 year
Class I – 6 years
Schedule of school fees
Please refer to Annexure ‘B’ on last page of Prospectus.
Payment Schedule:
For new admission: From 1st January to 15th January
Fees for the first term of students already on school rolls must be deposited by 10th February every year.
The school has authority to strike off the names of the students if the fees are not deposited within specified period
Fees for second term must be deposited by 30th September.
In case of default, a fine of Rs. 10/- per day will be
charged up to 15 days and after that the name of student will be removed from
the roll of school.
However the students may be readmitted after paying a readmission fee of Rs 500/- at sole desecration of the management of school.
Fees once deposited will in on case be refunded. Any damage to school properties of loss of library books or any other expense incurred by students shall be payable by parents. Parents/Guardian are expected to keep a minimum balance of Rs. 2000/- in personal account of their of wards any time.
Fees for full term with be charged even if a students joins late, leaves early or absents himself during a part of terms. No concession n of any sort is allowed in fees. The amount includes school fees, lodging, boarding, electricity, laundry and other hostel services but dose not include expenses of personal nature such as uniform, educational tours, dry-cleaning charges of clothes, Pocket expenses, books and stationary and special medical attention and patent medicines.
Since students in the hostel are not allowed to keep cash with them money for personal expenses referred to above has also to be deposited along with the fees.
Withdrawal procedure:
If a parent wants to withdraw his ward, an application should be sent to Principal well in advance. If a withdrawal is made after the beginning of the term, the parent will be liable to pay the full term fee.