Every student should bring with him/her daily the school diary. If a pupil loses the diary, he/she will. be subjected to disciplinary action. A fine will be levied and a new diary will have to be purchased.
Students are expected to be in the school by 7.30 a.m. During summer and 8.00 a.m. in winter. Those who reach before the bell should remain in the class room and study silently. Late-comers will not be permitted to attend the school.
Students are requested to speak English in the school.
No students can leave the premises during school hours except with the permission of the Principal or Vice-Principal.
The school authorities do not hold themselves responsible for the student’s loss of money, books, clothes etc. Articles found in the school premises are to be handed over to the school office.
The school authorities do not hold themselves responsible for the student’s loss of money, books, clothes etc. Articles found in the school premises are to be handed over to the school office.
Irregular attendance, habitual inattention to school work, obscenity in work or act, in subordination to school authorities, transgressions of the rules given in this diary, cheating or any other misconduct, any behavior considered by the Principal not suitable to the good tone and general good of the school are sufficient reasons for punishment, fine or even dismissal of the offender.
Damage done by the student to school property will have to be made good by his/her. Classrooms should be kept tidy and attractive. Scribbling on furniture or on walls is strictly forbidden. The class captain should ensure the switching off of lights and fans when leaving the classroom. Bins must be used for waste paper, etc. The transition period between teacher leaving the class and the other arriving is not the time for idle talk or creating disturbance. Await the teacher’s arrival in silence and stand up and wish when he/she enters the classroom.
Students should procure all their books within a week of the declaration of the results. All students should have a copy of the school diary making therein proper entries and bringing it to school every day.
Students should be clean and tidy in their person and dress, take pride in their personal appearance and maintain scrupulous body cleanliness, respectful and obliging to their elders and companions. In the classroom, besides paying attention to cleanliness and personal bearing, they should create and maintain an atmosphere conducive to serious study.
During class time, no student may leave the school premises without the Principal’s permission. Students may leave the classroom only with the teacher’s permission and with the permission pass/out pass.
Students are not allowed to receive visitors or to make or receive telephone calls during the class hours except for serious reasons.
Parents are requested not to disturb the class during school hours. Parent-teachers meetings are arranged during the course of the yearend, when necessary, at other times, on working Saturdays between 8:30 a.m. to 11:30a.m.
Celebration of Birthdays and parties in school is not permitted.
All correspondence should be addressed to the Principal. When writing, quote the student’s full name, class and section.
When the Principal or a teacher enters a classroom, the students should stand up respectfully, greet them and remain standing till they are directed to sit. They shall do the same when the Principal or the teacher leaves the classroom. When the attendance roll is taken, each student should rise and answer respectfully and also when an elder addresses them.
Books, other than school books, periodicals, newspapers, or other things not approved by the Principal, should not be brought to the school,
Any collection of money or things for any purpose whatsoever is to be started with the previous permission of the Principal. Presenting of gifts to any member of the staff for any occasion, by any student is forbidden.
During the absence of the teacher, the class captions will be responsible.
Ordinarily, the children have no permission to attend parties, to go the cinema or to a friend’s house on their way home from school.
Indiscipline behavior in the school bus will render a student ineligible to use school transport.
Bus captains are assigned to help maintain discipline. Most buses also have teachers.
As a safety measure, no student should put her hand or her head through the protecting bars on the windows of the bus or stand on the footboard.
Punctuality and discipline should be the watchword of every student. Report on time and not waste it. Be brisk in your walk.
No student should be seen anywhere except in their place of work and play.
All students should come to school on time, i.e. before 8:30 a.m. even during examination. Habitual late coming may lead to asking the student to go back home.
At the end of each period, a bell is rung at which the students should either stand silently waiting for their next teacher or move quietly to the next classroom. At the end of the second session, at the sound of the bell, a prayer is to be devoutly recited by all.
Mobile ,cell phone not allowed to students in school campus is any founds with such gadgets they will punished and may get suspended from school
Mastersian should behave in a courteous manner wherever they go. They should always remember that the school is judged by their conduct. They should greet teachers when they meet them